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J.L. Krug &
Associates, Inc.
823 Redwing Drive
Geneva, IL 60134
What is Coaching?
Coaching is an interactive, collaborative process that helps individuals and organizations to develop more rapidly and produce more satisfying results. Coaching enables clients to establish effective goals, generate successful action plans, improve decisions, and enhance their natural abilities.
Coaching by J.L. Krug & Associates, Inc. provides the competitive edge needed by executives and business owners to operate in today's business world. The owner/executive/manager position is lonely and dynamic. Alliances and relationships are always changing. We provide a stable and very support-focused partnership to keep individuals headed in the right direction. No matter what the current circumstances may be, J.L. Krug assists clients to overcome their own self-imposed obstacles, advance to higher levels, and tap into their hidden strengths and talents.
How does the coaching process work?
The coaching process is focused on the goals of the client and what is important to them. The coaching process begins with an initial meeting designed to exchange information, explain how the coaching process works and to put in place the coaching assessment tools that will be used in the coaching process. From these tools and the discussion, a clear understanding is gained about what the client's current results are compared to the desired results, and what the gap is between the two. The coaching relationship is then centered on bridging that gap. During each of the subsequent meetings, the coach's role is to listen carefully and completely and contribute observations and questions. This interaction creates clarity and helps move the client into action. This action ultimately leads to the results desired.
How is coaching different?
A coach works with common business challenges (organizational skills, communication, normal fears, etc.). A coach is an active partner who helps you brainstorm, problem-solve, and move to actions that will improve your business life. A coach works with people who want to strive toward excellence rather than "fix" something internally.
Who hires a coach?
You might consider hiring a coach if you:
- Want more time in your life.
- Procrastinate and are tired of living from crisis deadline to crisis deadline.
- Want to learn how to communicate more effectively with your spouse.
- Are overly perfectionistic and want to be less critical, turning the perfectionism into an adaptive strength rather than a draining weakness.
- Dream of owning your own business, yet have fears of failure (or success), that interfere with living the dream.
- Want to build better rapport with clients.
- Desire to take your business to the next level.
- Have a habit that keeps you from being the best that you can be.
- Want to grow and know that you can do it more effectively with the aid of a coach!
- Where do we meet for the coaching?
- Most clients prefer to meet at their office, or we can do phone coaching for individuals out of state or who just prefer the phone. The format is your choice.
For more information, contact J.L. Krug & Associates, Inc.